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악셀 (accel) → accelerator

액세서리 (accessory) → jewelry

• agree! → I agree

아메리칸커피(American coffee) → weak coffee

아파트 (apart) → apartment building / block of flats

아르바이트 (독일어의 “work”이라는 의미) → part-time / casual job

애프터서비스 (AS / after service) → after sales service

오토바이 (auto-bi) → motorbike

백미러 (back mirror) → rear view mirror

백뮤직 (back music) → background music

백넘버 (back number) → number on the back of your sports shirt

볼펜 (ball pen) → ballpoint (pen) / biro

밴드 (band) → band aid/ sticky plaster

보일러 (boiler) → heating

본드 (bond) → super glue

바바리 (Burberry) → trench coat

센티(centi) → cm

씨에프 (CF) → television advert/ commercial

코러스 (chorus) → choir

클레임 (claim) → complaint

 클래식 (classic) classical (music)

 클립 (clip) paper clip

 클로즈 (close) closed

 콜라 (cola) Coke

 콘도 (condo) time share apartment

• 콘센트 (consent) electrical outlet/ socket

 컨닝 (cunning) cheating in an exam

 커트라인 (cutline) cut off point

 D/B database

 D/C discount

 다스 (dasu) dozen

 다큐 (docu) documentary

 더블재킷 (double jacket) double-breasted jacket

 드라이버 (driver) screwdriver

 더치페이 (Dutch pay) going Dutch / splitting the bill

 엑기스 (ekisu) extract

 에로 (ero) erotic

 아이쇼핑 (eye shopping) window shopping

 팬시 (fancy) fancy stationery

 플래쉬 (flash) flashlight / (electric) torch

 프리사이즈 (free size) one size fits all

 개그맨 (gagman) comedian

 가글 (gargle) mouthwash

 글래머 (glamour) buxom (woman)

 고글 (goggle) goggles

 골든볼 (golden ball) sudden death

 골든타임 (golden time) prime time

 가운 (gown) dressing gown

 깁스 (gyps from gypsum) (plaster) cast

 헤어핀 (hair pin) hair clip

 핸드폰 (hand phone) mobile phone / cell phone

 핸디 (handi) handicap (golf)

 핸들 (handle) steering wheel

 헤딩슛 (heading shoot) header

 헤드폰 → headphones

 헬쓰센터 (health center) fitness center

 히어링 (hearing) listening comprehension

 하이킹 (hiking) cycling

  (hip) buttocks

 홈피 (homepi) homepage / website

 호치키스 (Hotchkiss from a brand name) stapler

 아이스바 (ice bar) ice lolly / popsicle

 인터폰 (interphone) intercom

 까스 (kasu) cutlet   e.g. pork cutlet

 클락숀 (klaxon) (car) horn

 레포츠 (le-ports) leisure sports

 라이트 코크 (light coke) diet coke

 맥가이버 나이프 (MacGyver knife) Swiss Army knife

 매직 (magic) magic marker / permanent marker

 매니큐어 (manicure) nail polish

 맨션 (mansion) luxury apartment

 마커펜 (marker pen) (board) marker

 미팅 (meeting) blind date

 멜로드라마 (melodrama) romantic drama

 미라 (mira) mummy

 미션 (mission) transmission

 모닝콜 (morning call) wake-up call

 엠티 (MT ; membership training) club initiation

 머그컵 (mug cup) mug

 나이트 (night) nightclub

 노트 (note) notebook

 올드미스 (old miss) old maid

 원피스 (one-piece) dress

 원룸 (one room) bedsit / studio apartment

 원샷 (one shot) → “bottoms up / down in one

 오픈카 (open car) convertible

 오프너 (opener) corkscrew / can opener

 오버이트 (overeat)  vomit

 팬티스타킹 (panty stocking) tights/ panty hose

 파마 (perma) perm

 파인쥬스 (pine juice) pineapple juice

 펑크 (punk)  (tyre) puncture

 리모콘 (remo con) remote control / zapper

 렌터카 (rent car) hire car/ rentacar

 리바이벌 (revival) cover version

 린스 (rinse) conditioner

  (sack) backpack

 셀프 (self) self service

 서비스 (service) free of charge

 샤프 (sharp) mechanical pencil

 싸인 (sign) autograph

스킨스쿠버 (skin scuba) scuba-diving

 스킨쉽 (skinship) body contact

 스피커 (speaker) loudspeaker

 스포츠 댄싱 (sports dancing) competition ballroom dancing

 스테인레스 (stainless) stainless steel

스탠드 (stand) lamp

  (t) T-shirt

 탤런트 (talent) TV star

 튜브 (tube) (swimming) float

 워커 (walker) military boots

  (wrap) plastic wrap / cellophane

 와이셔츠 (Y shirts; from white shirt) shirt / dress shirt / business shirt

'ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

한글 영어 표기  (0) 2011.10.06
지방 쓰는 법  (0) 2011.09.20
위성지도 서비스별 업데이트 현황.  (2) 2011.01.31